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Fight Financial Storm Clouds With Digital Signage For Retail

While recovering from shoulder surgery, my physiotherapist said, “You’re not out of the woods yet, but you are definitely in a clearing.” The same could be said about the retail sector which is just about done with pandemic induced turmoil but faces more financial storm clouds on the horizon. Today however, we find ourselves in a clearing.

2020 created retail space vacancies which enabled retailers to negotiate shorter, more flexible leases with more affordable rental contracts. This led to retailers to diversify their footprint, experiment with new formats and open new stores

Another thing it prompted was a digital shift in consumer behaviour which expedited digital transformation plans for many organisations. As the retail sector evolves to meet ever-changing consumer expectations, value-adding digital signage solutions have become essential when opening new stores.

storm cloud
Digital Signage For Retail

Purpose-built digital signage, LED and touch screens enhance customer experience. They improve employee engagement. They are perfect digital touch-points that add value to new stores. With multiple internal stakeholders involved in the planning process, there are numerous reasons to include in-store digital in the new store budget.

When digital signage has been part of the architectural design and installed by professionals, it is much more than a marketing tool. It improves aesthetics, enhances customer experience and validates brands as digital natives. All of this benefits your bottom line, especially when financial storm clouds are gathering.

Businesses who had already embraced digital transformation found they were ready for the last financial shock. Now that we are in a ‘clearing’, use it and innovate for the future. As C.S. Lewis famously wrote, “Progress means not just changing, but changing for the better.”

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datmedia specialises in helping businesses transform with innovative digital solutions. We’re dedicated to enabling positive change through technology. Ask about a free demo device and see for yourself how digital signage will help your business.